
Monday, September 23, 2024

#7 EOTO1 Reaction: World Wide Web

EOTO1 Reaction: World Wide Web


    The World Wide Web started with the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, or ARPAnet. This launched during the Cold War when the US and Soviet Union were racing to beat each other technologically. 

    ARPA’s first project was building a large-scale computer network. They connected two computers on the same network using the concept of “packet switching.” This was later used to send messages between two computers, this was important during the Cold War when reliable info was a necessity. Internet Protocol was intended to be a universal communication between computers. This allowed this military tool to start being used by the public. Years later, businesses are created and transformed using the web. 

    E-commerce platforms, banking, and marketplaces are things we use now in our everyday lives. Most of us use the web every single day; it has truly transformed our society and allowed us to connect in many ways. The web is an amazing tool, but has its pitfalls. People began throwing their money into technology stocks due to the rise in e-commerce, which resulted in a huge market crash in 2000. This shows how rapidly things on the internet are able to change, for both good and bad reasons.

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